Third-Party Event Guidelines

These guidelines are for friends of Park County Animal Shelter who want to raise funds at an event or fundraiser to help provide for the welfare of the cats and dogs in the care of Park County Animal Shelter.

A Third-Party Event is any fundraising activity by a non-affiliated group, organization or individual (Sponsor) which benefits Park County Animal Shelter, and where PCAS has no financial responsibility and minimal or no staff or volunteer involvement is required.

The Board of Directors adopted the following guidelines and application form for unaffiliated fundraisers to provide transparency to the public, and to protect PCAS’s nonprofit status and its reputation.

Third-Party Event Proposal application forms must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the scheduled event so the event can be reviewed for suitability with the PCAS mission, goals and objectives. The Sponsor will be notified within ten days of PCAS’s determination regarding the event. The following guidelines are an important safeguard to preserving the integrity of the Park County Animal Shelter and our commitment to raise the funds necessary to fulfill our mission in a cost-efficient and effective manner.

  1. Third-Party Events must be in line with the PCAS mission to find good homes for our animal guests, to promote responsible pet guardianship, to end the overpopulation of feral cats and other pets, and to run an efficient no-kill shelter.
  2. Sponsor is responsible for ALL event coordination, marketing/promotion and sales.
  3. All promotional materials must clearly state the percentage of proceeds that will benefit PCAS.
  4. Any use of the PCAS logo or inclusion of the Park County Animal Shelter name must be approved by PCAS prior to use by the Sponsor. The PCAS logo and name must be appropriately used in all materials and may not be altered in any way. All flyers, posters, publications, press releases, and other event promotional materials must be approved by PCAS before distribution. Any contact with the press or other media must be coordinated and approved by PCAS.
  5. PCAS will not finance any expenses related to a Third-Party Event or assume responsibility for any debts incurred.
  6. Sponsor agrees to coordinate with and request permission from PCAS before soliciting any individuals, organizations or businesses in order to avoid duplicated efforts.
  7. Sponsor must state the terms of the donation that PCAS can expect from the event and must tender the donation to PCAS within thirty (30) days of the event.
  8. A donation solicited on PCAS’s behalf is tax-deductible only when it is made directly and entirely to PCAS.
  9. Donors to Third-Party Events who wish to be receipted must make checks payable to Park County Animal Shelter and provide their name and address. Cash donations must be received with a list of donors, addresses and specific amounts, otherwise cash will be collected as an anonymous gift. Cash and donations must not be deposited into a personal account in order to write PCAS a check for the amount. If the event is a benefit event, the donor will only be receipted for the donation amount minus the fair market value of the benefit.
  10. When a portion of the ticket price or suggested donation from a participant of the Sponsor’s event is not tax-deductible, the Sponsor must clearly state this on all materials.
  11. PCAS cannot guarantee that PCAS staff or volunteers will attend the event.
  12. PCAS does not usually solicit participation from our supporters for Third-Party Events and will not approve third-party use of any PCAS donor or mailing list.
  13. Sponsor must obtain its own liability insurance to cover the event as well as any necessary permits and/or licensing.

Park County Animal Shelter reserves the right to decline participation or to cancel participation in an event for any reason. Generally, the following events will NOT be approved:

  • Events that do not adhere to the PCAS Third-Party Event Guidelines.
  • Raffles
  • Events that require significant attendance from PCAS staff or volunteers.
  • Events scheduled in close proximity to a PCAS fundraising event.
  • Events that are controversial in nature or do not represent a positive image for PCAS.

After you have reviewed the above guidelines, please complete the Third-Party Event Proposal Form and submit it at least six (6) weeks prior to your proposed event. Once the proposal has been received, PCAS staff will contact you if there are any questions or concerns. The proposal will then be reviewed by PCAS and the Sponsor will be sent written confirmation within ten (10) days as to whether the event/fundraiser has been approved or not. Thank you for your support of Park County Animal Shelter and its mission.

(Note: These guidelines and proposal form are based on The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA guidelines.)

Event Proposal Form

The Third-Party Event Guidelines are available above. Please review them carefully before submitting this event proposal.

Thank you for your interest in raising funds to support Park County Animal Shelter. Please submit this event proposal form at least six weeks prior to your fundraising event. Each proposal will be carefully reviewed to ensure that it is compatible with the PCAS mission, goals and objectives.

This form must be submitted and signed by the Sponsor.